Great Balkan Ride

Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina to Thessaloniki, Greece
July 25th - August 2nd, 2025

9 Days
5 Countries
1800 km

The Balkan Ride is a unique adventure road trip into the very heart of this little travelled region. A nine day odyssey into the least frequently traveled corners of Europe, from historic Sarajevo, through Montenegro, the surprising Kosovo and the varied landscapes of Albania, all the way to Greece.

Restoring Challenge

In a world of plastic hotels and one-size-fits-all guided tours the spirit of adventure and challenge has been slowly squeezed from travel. We at the Travel Scientists have pledged ourselves putting the sense of adventure and fun back where it belongs. Taking you through some of Europe's least known highlights, the Great Balkan Ride is an adventure into the heritage, history and culture of the continent's last unexploited corner.

A Unique Adventure

Choose a vehicle, recruit a team and prepare to have both challenged on this 'minimal assistance' event. Your navigational skills, sense of adventure and self-reliance will be put to the test. We'll provide the framework for your own unique adventure and won't spoil the thrill of by mothering you every mile of the trip. The Great Balkan Ride is open to almost any vehicle that can make it to the start and, more importantly, finish-line.

Why choose us?
We Are Travel Maniacs

For the Travel Scientists this is a passion not just a business. We carry that essence of fun-within-adventure over into all our numerous events that now span the globe from India to Armenia, Estonia to Morocco.

We Want to Get to Know You

In our small groups you aren't ever just a number. Our strong community spirit sees to it that all our participants get to know each other and share their experiences gained on the road.

Adventure Must Be Unique

We provide a unique offbeat approach coupled with stunning destinations. Every component is specifically chosen to create the very best adventure rally challenges available today.


If this is the trip you've been waiting for, wait no more and sign up today for the Great Balkan Ride. SIGN UP NOW! Sign up early to guarantee your place in this challenge - a maximum of 30 teams can sign up for the 2019 rally!

If you don't trust us, trust them

I have done some travelling off beaten track, both by myself and on organised trips. With the Travel Scientists for the first time I found the perfect balance. With these guys every morning you are free to do whatever you want, go at whatever pace or to whichever place you wish, but you are sure that at the end of the day even in the remotest places there will be a place for you to rest.

Anna, 36

I have participated in one Travel Scientists' event, and would love to do another. I'm not a fan of package holidays, and I like having the freedom to explore places myself. With the Travel Scientists I got that, but also made great friends with other teams. The organizers knew a lot about the region, and I knew they'd be able to help if something went very wrong: luckily nothing did!

Jeremy, 27

You get to have all the adventure, you take credit for every achievement, but if things go wrong, you know there is somebody to help you. No need to talk about the obvious things like travelling with like-minded adventurers from all over the world, seeing the last corners without McDonalds and the feeling when conquering challenges I don’t need to solve in my comfortable everyday life.

Denis, 45